Your Essential Guide for Empowerment and Flourishing

four mainstays trainer Jun 07, 2017

[1 min read, 6.5 min watch]

When you are climbing a mountain, you want to have the very best and skilled guide, someone who knows the paths, the pitfalls and best routes for you to get to the top safely, most easily and to be able to enjoy the vast, magnificent view along the way. Just like a mountain guide, the Balanced View Trainer is an experienced guide in your journey to full realization of open intelligence’s beneficial power.

The unique and very special relationship with the Trainer makes training up open intelligence, easy, powerful, real and fun. We have a role model, a mentor, someone you can talk to, share challenges and breakthroughs with and ask for advice and explore solutions – all focused on our empowerment in open intelligence for the benefit of all. 

In this week’s vlog, we hear from Erik from Stockholm and his life-changing experience of taking up the Four Mainstays and specifically the empowerment of his relationship with his Trainer. You will hear how the Trainer can offer customized support in gifts and talents, support flourishing in personal relationships and going way beyond any self-imposed limitations or beliefs about ourselves.

How to Access the Support of a Trainer

To access the support of a Trainer the steps are easy.

  1. Firstly, you can take up the Be the Power Course and join the Bright Community Facebook Group. Here you can meet some of the Trainers, ask any questions and get answers to support your empowerment.

  2. After the introduction to open intelligence, you can then start the life-changing Twelve Empowerments. Throughout this foundational training and from then onwards, you have the opportunity to be in direct contact with a personal Trainer, and enjoy the incredible expansion in your innate powers for the benefit of all.

We are excited to be on this journey together. Please let us know if there is anything that you need or if you have suggestions for any topics that you would like us to share about.

If you have a Balanced View Trainer already, please share in the comments how that is for you? What benefits do you see from this relationship? We’d love to hear your experience!

Much love, 

Kathy & Jochen Raysz

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