The Awesome Benefits of Bright Await You

benefits May 07, 2017

[2 min read, 8 min watch]

Hi there!

It’s amazing to see you here. I’m Adrian, one of the Bright Trainers. I’ll be with you through this incredible journey of empowerment. I’m based in Sweden but you can find me in the Bright Community Facebook Group if you have any questions or just want to say hello.

In my first vlog, I want to share with you my experience of the very real benefits that have come about for me since taking up the Bright Training. The impact in my life has been so profound and powerful, I have never looked back.  All I could want is for you to experience the same incredible results I have and know that truly the struggle with your thoughts and emotions can be over – you too can enjoy a life of total potency and ease through the Bright tools.

A Life Full of Power, Well-being and Okay-ness

I used to live a life totally overwhelmed by my negative experiences – depression, boredom, anxiety – and spent my time and energy trying to get rid of these thoughts and emotions. But I couldn’t do that; it’s an impossible task, and one that sadly most people around the world are trying to do today.

What’s incredible is that by implementing the Bright Training, I quickly discovered there was a new approach to my experience and life. Through a simple instinctive recognition of the fundamental nature of your intelligence, regardless of which thoughts, emotions and experiences (data) arise there is openness, empowerment, well-being, total okay-ness available right now – for you and every single human being.

The results of no longer being focused on arranging my data have not just been utterly life-changing, but world-changing. I share more in this vlog:

Next Steps to Living as Your Innate Relaxed Power

With all my heart I’d invite you to take up what is on offer here, you can start with the Be the Power Course, which is a proper introduction to mental and emotional stability and living as your innate relaxed power. Then access the Facebook Group to receive amazing support from the Trainers and Community.

Explore the next video too, where we give you the introduction to open intelligence and how you can apply this in every moment of life for awesome results.

See you soon in the Facebook Group!

Adrian & the Bright Team

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