Empower Your Relationships In Complete Love and Openness

relationships Sep 24, 2017

[1 min read, 5 min watch]

“How can I have harmonious and loving relationships?” is one of the questions we receive the most. It is no surprise, as relationship is one of the most beautiful, and also most challenging areas of life, where we experience many hopes and fears, expectations, dreams and disappointment. This isn’t only the case for our intimate relationship, but also with our parents, with our children, with friends, colleagues, clients, and of course, the relationship with ourselves which, ultimately, is at the basis of what is playing out everywhere else.

In response to this, we are starting an exciting new theme for you in the Bright Community: Empowering Challenging Relationships.

Please join me for this week’s vlog, where I share more with you about the coming weeks and how you can empower your relationships to sparkle and flower in complete love and openness—without the constant work and effort.

 The results I have personally experienced through the Four Mainstays in all relationships are astounding and beautiful. The Training has given me access to an inexhaustible resource of love, warmth, openness and skillful means for all relationships, whether with my family of origin, my dear wife, my ex-boss or the beggars on the streets of India, who I used to compulsively avoid. What I was unable to achieve, despite so much effort before the introduction to the true nature of mind, became free-flowing and naturally present, without any effort at all.

So, if you want to see how to empower the innate skillful means that bring increasing love, warmth and openness to all relationships, then join us for this new series. It is completely magical and incredible, that the simple practice we offer in Balanced View brings a solution to empower each and every relationship. It is a transformation, a system upgrade that works every single time because we think, speak and act from empowered self-leadership through the recognition of our true nature.

Next Steps for Empowering Challenging Relationships

Over the coming weeks we will share specific tools, precise instructions and make suggestions based on your feedback and questions. So we hope you will join us in the Bright Community Facebook Group and share your story, insights and questions with us. You also get access to the free Be the Power Course where we share exactly how you can discover the true nature of mind and reap its unimaginable benefits.

New Facebook Live Interview Series

This Sunday, for the first time, we will be holding a Facebook Live publicly on the Balanced View Facebook Page! Romy Norich from Melbourne will join me for an interview on the transformational effect the Balanced View Training has had on her relationships, including with her wonderful husband. We would love to see you there, so ’like’ the Balanced View page and stay tuned for the details. Until then we wish you a brilliant week.

We can’t wait to see you there!

Jochen & the Bright Team

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